This has been a recurring thought theme for me for some time now, and a topic of recent conversations. I love seeing it shared in light of on-going conversations and opportunities before us to move forward in our respect and valuing of others. Starting with what we share in common opens up far more possibilities to find what God sees – humans uniquely created and crafted in HIS image. This approach doesn’t set aside our differences, but allows us to view them from a different perspective.
As we continue to hunker down in our silos, we continue to build higher walls to insulate and isolate ourselves from those who we view as threats to our way of life and happiness. Our differences are real, but when we choose to engage from a posture of humility, we open ourselves and others up to the possibility of becoming a bridge rather than a wall. As followers of Christ we need to follow his example more closely. He routinely and shockingly affirmed those on the margins of society by touching them, noticing them, speaking to them, eating with them, inviting them into his circle of life. Not everyone who encountered Jesus trusted and followed him, but he gave everyone the same invitation.
The organization we have launched, Glocal Resources, exists to catalyze personal, community and cultural transformation, and the only way this will occur is by choosing to be a bridge rather than building higher walls. Regardless of which side you stand on in many of the current cultural issues, both sides can and do stubbornly act like wall-builders or unoffendable bridge-builders. It will require humility from all sides if we will ever venture into a world where respect can flow both ways.